So, having read many other blogs, studied both sets of build instructions I was ready to start with the engine but had to get a hoist first. Around here just before Christmas I would have had better luck finding a man in a red coat delivering presents so I went rash and bought one from SGS for less than £200 – thinking I would sell it on and it wont have cost me much more than renting one. Of course I had to have the largest one – size is important apparently. So whilst I was waiting for that to arrive I found another little job
I decided that I would put the roll bar in which was actually really easy. I have learnt however to try all bolts before attempting the actual job – do they fit the hole? and is the thread free from swarf etc.

Also being a bit OCD I managed to employ my pipe lagging to stop the ratchet handle dinting my paint

The result looked good:

Eventually the engine hoist arrived so I set to work. A nice bit of kit and yes, I do need a 2 ton hoist. Everyone should have one.